WINSTON HOTTMAN: Pastoral Care is Gregory’s most important contribution to pastoral theology and comes down to us as a definitive classic.
New Resources from CBR
CBR Podcast Ep 23 - The Lives of Antony, Moses, and Macrina
In this episode, CBR Directors Brandon Smith and Winston Hottman discuss Athanasius’s The Life of Antony. This episode accompanies our 2023 Christian Spirituality Classics Reading Challenge.
Catholicity as Contribution: 3 Ways Baptists Add Their Voice to the Church Catholic's Choir
The Importance of Holy Week
CBR Podcast Ep 22 - Celtic Spirituality
In this episode, Luke Stamps is joined by special guest Timothy George to discuss the contribution and legacy of Celtic Spirituality. This episode accompanies our 2023 Christian Spirituality Classics Reading Challenge.
2023 Christian Spirituality Reading Challenge
Christmas in Darkness
Reflections on Our 2022 Center for Baptist Renewal Event
What Was the Antiochene School of Interpretation?
Reading and Writing Charitably with Augustine
Was it Possible for Jesus to Sin?
The "Fromness" of the Son and Spirit: A Positive Construction
CBR Podcast Ep 21 - Andrew Fuller
In this episode, Winston Hottman and Luke Stamps are joined by special guest Nathan Finn to discuss Andrew Fuller and his work Gospel Worthy of All Acceptation (1785). This episode is the eighth of the CBR Baptist Classics Reading Challenge.
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CBR Podcast Ep 20 - John Gill
In this episode, Matt Emerson and Luke Stamps are joined by special guest Matthew Barrett to discuss John Gill and his work The Doctrine of the Trinity Stated and Defended (1731). This episode is the sixth of the CBR Baptist Classics Reading Challenge.
Productivity without Burnout: 8 Lessons from John Gill
Thomas Aquinas on the Fittingness of the Incarnation
CBR Podcast Ep 19 - Thomas Monck
In this episode, Matt Emerson and Luke Stamps are joined by special guest Jesse Owens to discuss Thomas Monck and his work A Cure for the Cankering Error of the New Eutychians (1673). This episode is the fifth of the CBR Baptist Classics Reading Challenge.
CBR Podcast Ep 18 - Benjamin Keach
In this episode, Matt Emerson is joined by special guest Jonathan Arnold to discuss Benjamin Keach and his work Gold Refined (1689). This episode is the fourth of the CBR Baptist Classics Reading Challenge.