LUKE STAMPS: Consider what a day of spiritual exercises might look like in the experience of a believer seeking to grow in God’s grace.
CBR Podcast Ep 25 - Reformational: Baptists and the Protestant Reformation
CBR Podcast Ep 24 - Catholic: Baptist and Christian Orthodoxy
2025 CBR Reading Challenge: Resources for the Baptist Vision
The Bible Is Not an Artifact
Why This Baptist Church Uses Incense
‘The Way the Words Run’: Grammar and Christian Theology
5 Ways to Understand Aquinas on Analogy
The Celestial Company of Toplady, Ryland, and Gifford
Thomas Grantham's Robust Memorialism
'A Pretty Even Pace': Isaac Backus and the Baptist Two-Front War During the American Revolution
Reflections on CBR @ OBU 2024
"One Baptism for the Remission of Sins": Baptists and the Baptism Clause
Why We Support Adding the Nicene Creed to the Baptist Faith and Message (2000)
John Gill Reading Group
2024 CBR Reading Challenge: Gill’s Body of Divinity
Advent for a Weary World
The Trinity in the Canon
CBR STAFF: The Trinity in the Canon demonstrates that trinitarian theology derives directly from Scripture and should produce both right doctrine and right living.