MATTHEW WIREMAN: The Bible encourages us to employ every sense we have in the worship and adoration of the God who breathed into our nostrils life and the sweetness of grace.
JOHN R. GILHOOLY: The chief organizing idea of Thomas's question 13 is an epistemological doctrine that Aquinas has from Boethius (and Aristotle): everything is known according to the power of the knower.
ANDREW MESSMER: These “non-biblical” elements are three ways of reinforcing our understanding of the Gospel, and thus justifies their use, both at a personal as well as at a church level.
MATTHEW WIREMAN: The Church Calendar provides anticipation and expectation and prepares our hearts every season as we wait and continue to wait for our redemption.
MATTHEW WIREMAN: Because the Lectionary has us read from four passages of Scripture each Sunday, we see the value of poetry, history, prose, prophecy, and epistle.