Reading Challenge

CBR Podcast Ep 21 - Andrew Fuller

CBR Podcast Ep 21 - Andrew Fuller

In this episode, Winston Hottman and Luke Stamps are joined by special guest Nathan Finn to discuss Andrew Fuller and his work Gospel Worthy of All Acceptation (1785). This episode is the eighth of the CBR Baptist Classics Reading Challenge.

CBR Podcast Ep 20 - John Gill

CBR Podcast Ep 20 - John Gill

In this episode, Matt Emerson and Luke Stamps are joined by special guest Matthew Barrett to discuss John Gill and his work The Doctrine of the Trinity Stated and Defended (1731). This episode is the sixth of the CBR Baptist Classics Reading Challenge.

CBR Podcast Ep 19 - Thomas Monck

CBR Podcast Ep 19 - Thomas Monck

In this episode, Matt Emerson and Luke Stamps are joined by special guest Jesse Owens to discuss Thomas Monck and his work A Cure for the Cankering Error of the New Eutychians (1673). This episode is the fifth of the CBR Baptist Classics Reading Challenge.

CBR Podcast Ep 15 - Baptist Confessions of Faith

CBR Podcast Ep 15 - Baptist Confessions of Faith

In this episode, Matt Emerson and Luke Stamps discuss Baptist Confessions of Faith, a collection of the most important Baptist (and Anabaptist) confessions of faith. This episode is the first of the CBR Baptist Classics Reading Challenge.

2022 Baptist Classics Reading Challenge

2022 Baptist Classics Reading Challenge

Have you ever wanted to read the classics of the Baptist tradition but didn’t know where to begin? This list takes you through a baker’s dozen of some of the most important Baptist works ever written.

CBR Podcast Ep 14 - Baptist and Reformed Theology

CBR Podcast Ep 14 - Baptist and Reformed Theology

In this episode, Matt Emerson and Luke Stamps summarize and discuss several classic Baptist and Reformed works from the CBR Theology Classics Reading Challenge, including: Institutes of the Christian Religion (Calvin), 1689 Confession, Orthodox Creed, Catechism (Keach), Our Reasonable Faith (Bavinck), and Church Dogmatics (Barth).
