MATTHEW WIREMAN: The Bible encourages us to employ every sense we have in the worship and adoration of the God who breathed into our nostrils life and the sweetness of grace.
Christmas in Darkness
The Importance of Confession of Sin in Corporate Worship
EBC Manifesto, Article VIII: Historic Worship
MATTHEW Y. EMERSON AND R. LUCAS STAMPS: We believe that Baptist worship should be anchored in Holy Scripture and informed by the liturgical practices of the historic church. We believe that Christian worship should be Word-centered. In worship, we read, preach, sing, pray, and show forth (through the ordinances) the Word of God. We further believe that Baptist worship could benefit from incorporating historic practices such as lectionary readings, the liturgical calendar, corporate confession of sin, the assurance of pardon, the recitation of scriptural and historic prayers (especially the Lord’s Prayer), and the corporate confession of the faith (expressed in the ecumenical creeds and other confessional documents).